Buy/Sell Life Insurance

This type of policy offers a way to use life insurance to buy out a partner upon their unexpected passing. This option helps reduce the stress and upheaval that often follow this kind of unfortunate event. There are two main types:
- A cross-purchase plan is when each owner takes out a life insurance policy on all of the other business partners. Then if an owner were to pass away the policies taken out on that individual could be used to purchase their portion of ownership in the company.
- Entity purchase, otherwise known as a stock redemption plan, involves an agreement where the business buys life insurance policies on each of the owners and then each owner agrees to sell their amount of investment in the company. This way if an owner were to pass away, the business could use the policy to purchase that owner’s portion in the company.
Protection of Busines Future
Assurance for Customers, Creditors, & Employees
Create's Fair Market Value Exchange
Possible Tax Advantages
Provides Heirs Cash
Guarantees Heirs a Buyer
and more. . .
More Insurance Options

Business Insurance
Commercial insurance to keep your business protected.

Personal Insurance
We can help protect you, your family, and your property.

Life Insurance
Prepare to help ensure your family is taken care of financially.